Our departments

About us

In addition to preparing teachers of biology and geography, the Centre for Biology, Geosciences and the Environment also participates in didactic research in the field, particularly concerning quality and problematic issues at primary schools. The centre promotes its subjects at various events, such as participating in the organisation of regional biology competitions for schools. The centre’s aim is to fill the role of a small but functional centre for biological, geological and physical geographical research on both a regional and international scale. It has at its disposal modern and high-quality laboratory technology for both research and teaching, and tries actively to involve students in a wide range of projects with both a didactic and professional focus. The centre also edits a magazine focusing on the methodology of teaching natural sciences. 

The Geography section prepares teacher trainees in accordance with modern pedagogical trends, conducting research into the didactics of geography, and changes in the landscape during the Quaternary period. It has at its disposal modern teaching aids, laboratories and a virtual classroom which serves to act out classroom situations with the help of virtual reality. It has also established an excellently functioning system of geography teaching practice at primary schools. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Chodské náměstí 1, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 241 

web: www.cbg.zcu.cz 


At our department you can obtain a teaching qualification in geography at primary level (in combination with 11 other subjects) and at secondary level (with five other subjects). We also offer the possibility of non-teaching oriented courses in the three-year bachelor Geography programme with a focus on education, whose graduates fulfil the preconditions for continuing their studies in geography at magister level with a primary focus on teaching, but also including competences related to positions in government administration and other institutions.  


Staff at the Geosciences section regularly occupy leading positions in student evaluations of the quality of teaching. They publish regularly in professional journals. They are young and have experience from abroad. Teaching takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and focuses exclusively on what is important. We have at our disposal a virtual classroom and several other items of high-quality equipment. We are one of the most progressive workplaces focused on preparing teachers of geography. We are good at what we do and studying at our department is never dull! 

The Biology section, located on Chodské náměstí, is custodian of what is currently the only publicly accessible natural science exhibition in PilsenThe original natural science exhibition in the West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen was discontinued when the building underwent reconstruction and there are no plans to reinstate it. The modest geological, mineralogical, palaeontological, zoological and botanic displays in the Faculty of Education building are further supplemented by a didactic section, showing various unique teaching items and aids, some of which date as far back as the end of the 19th century.

about us

At the Centre of Physical Education and Sport it is possible to study a bachelor and follow-up magister programme as well as non-teaching oriented study programmes. One noteworthy feature is the Pedagogy of Prevention and Fitness Sports course which offers two graduate certificates, valid in both the Czech Republic and Germany. Graduates subsequently have the opportunity to take a viva and obtain the title of PhDr. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Klatovská 51, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 401 

web: www.ktv.zcu.cz


The Centre of Physical Education and Sport offers a bachelor and follow-up magister programme as well as non-teaching oriented study programmes. One noteworthy feature is the Pedagogy of Prevention and Fitness Sports course which offers two graduate certificates, valid in both the Czech Republic and Germany. 


Our students also include high-performing sportsmen and women of high potential, whom we help to combine the demands of a study programme with sporting preparation and participation in competitions. Within the framework of the sporting programme UWB Western Stars organised by our department, these students also have the opportunity to represent both our department and the university as a whole in the Czech Republic and abroad. 

ABOut us

The Department of English Language embraces elements of culture, literature, linguistics and didactics. These same areas are also the focus of research, which in recent years, in addition to the traditional topics, has also reflected the new paradigm of English as the language of global culture. The new findings go hand in hand with a change in content of the courses offered, with greater emphasis on the concept of English in a global context. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Veleslavínova 42, 301 00 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 101 

web: www.fpe.zcu.cz/kan/ 


Those interested in studying English can choose from various study programmes. Secondary school leavers have the option of bachelor studies in English Language aimed at teaching. For those specifically interested in teaching who have already completed the bachelor course, there is the master’s study programme English Language teaching for primary schools. Those who are already active teachers but wish to extend their approbation by adding English Language or a qualification for secondary schools have the option of a course within the framework of lifelong education. 


Our staff members have gained their qualifications at universities in the USA, Ireland, Belgium, Great Britain and the Czech Republic. We keep abreast of changes in the world of English and innovate both what we teach and how we teach it. We don’t want to hear from students what they were able to cram prior to an examination but rather how, based on theory, they are able to reflect independently, think critically and formulate an argument, as well as be creative and perform as teachers. 


In termof research and publications, the department focuses on the didactics of teaching the Czech language, and issues of inclusion; in the area of linguistics on historical grammar and developmental tendencies in the Czech language, and research into professional diction; in literary disciplines primarily on Czech literary history in its entirety (medieval literature, literature of the 16th century, literature of the National Revival period and the second half of the 19th century, contemporary developments in literature). Attention is also devoted to regional literary topics. The department is involved in teaching Czech as a foreign language and also plays an active role in the University of the Third Age and Children’s University. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Veleslavínova 42, 301 00 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 541 

web: www.kcj.zcu.cz


The Department of Czech Language and Literature offers teacher education courses at all levels, having recently received accreditation for all its study programmes. From the 2020/2021 academic year both the bachelor and follow-up study programmes have been accredited.  

The department’s activities in terms of creative work currently focus on connecting theoretical knowledge of the subject with classroom practice, issues concerning Czech as a foreign language, and on Czech literature of the medieval period, humanism, the 19th century and contemporary works.  


The Department of Czech Language and Literature works in collaboration with the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies, Charles University (ÚJOP UK) in organising examinations in Czech language and institutions for people applying for Czech citizenship. 

Within the lifelong education programme, the department organises courses aimed at teaching Czech as a foreign language. It is widely involved in all activities (National Institute for Further Education, Pilsen region) aimed at integrated foreign children into the learning process. 

Graduates of the department work as teachers in the Pilsen and Karlovy Vary regions but have also achieved success in other positions. For instance, the current head of the Institute of the Czech Language at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, PhDr. Martin Prošek, Ph.D., graduated from our department.  


The Department of History prepares motivated, optimistic, creative and enthusiastic students for their future teaching career. This is its main calling, which is also a source of pleasure. The department carries out research into the history of the West Bohemian region, publishes two research periodicals and a series of monographs, runs the Centre of Oral History, and specialises in using historical memoirs in teaching history. The team of lecturers and students at the department have long been working in tandem with a number of primary and secondary schools, preparing pupils and students for various competitions, workshops, summer camps and history trips. The department is proud of the friendly and creative atmosphere which it helps build and project into each of its activities. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Veleslavínova 42, 301 00 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 601 

web: www.khi.zcu.cz


The Department of History offerbachelor and magister courses. At bachelor level it combines a History programme aimed at education and a Civics programme likewise aimed at education. The follow-up magister programme offers courses for history teachers at primary and secondary schools. 


The Department of History is the oldest of its kind at a regional university in the Czech Republic. It has been educating teachers for primary and secondary schools for more than 70 years. 


The Department of Music prepares future music teachers at nursery, primary and secondary level. The department aims to equip graduates from both a professionally theoretical and practical perspective. Students often use their practical skills, specifically in playing a musical instrument or singing, including at concerts, performances and interpretative competitions, which they organise together with their teachers. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Klatovská 51, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 202 

web: www.khk.zcu.cz


The Department of Music was one of the first to come into existence at the Faculty of Education in Pilsen in 1948. It offers courses in music teaching for all levels of schools, from nursery through secondary, including doctoral studies in music theory and pedagogy. 

In addition to teaching, members of the department also focus on creative aspects – composition, opera and concert singing, choral and orchestral conducting, playing the organ, harpsichord, viola – as well as research: old music in the region, the regional history of music, the didactics of music teaching. 


During its existence the department has had about 1000 students who went on to become music teachers at primary or secondary schools, opera, concert or choir singers, choral conductors or accordion players … During your studies you will be able to reach a worthy level in singing, playing a string instrument and understanding the theoretical basis of the branch (obviously given the investment of your own time and energy :)) Within the framework of didactics we will introduce you to the latest trends in music teaching and show you whom to teach what, and how 


In the pedagogical sphere research focuses on the transformation of a research experiment into the teaching of chemistry and the creation of teaching materials accessible on a computer network, and work with talented students. Aside from teaching, further research focuses on the study of electro-organic chemistry, triterpenoid compounds and chromatographic methods. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Veleslavínova 42, 301 00 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 640 

web: www.fpe.zcu.cz/kch/ 


Graduates of the bachelor and follow-up master programme will become qualified teachers of chemistry at both primary and secondary levels. In addition to theoretical subjects, studies also include various practical laboratory work and teaching practice. Those who do not wish to become teachers may select single-studies Chemistry at bachelor level, which will enable them to work in laboratories dealing with environmental matters, and similar positions. 


The Department of Chemistry has at its disposal instrumental technology, especially in the sphere of spectral and chromatographic methods, and in cooperation with the New Technologies Research Centre is able to analyse a wide spectrum of topical issues concerning modern applied chemistry. 


Professionally the Physics section focuses primarily on creating study materials, modern forms of teaching physics and astronomy and analysing problem areas of physics in schools. The section has traditionally been active in promoting physics and astronomy by means of public lectures and similar events. Members of the department also support talented young people interested in physics through lectures, physics competitions, physics camps and the Children’s University. 

As regards pedagogy, academic staff focus on the area of pre-primary didactics and didactics of mathematics for levels 1 and 2 at primary school, particularly on project teaching, handling objects and designing textbooks. In the non-pedagogical sphere, the department focuses on possibilities of using programs for computer algebra and dynamic geometry in preparing future teachers of mathematics and using statistical and specialised programmes in the field of applied mathematics. 

The Technical Education section focuses primarily on working with technical materials suitable for nursery school level through to lower secondary level. Thanks to new technologies we able to produce ever improving items. We will improve your manual skills and support your creativity. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Klatovská 51, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 501 

web: www.fpe.zcu.cz/kmt/ 


The Mathematics section of the department prepares future teachers for nursery schools, primary schools and lower secondary school. For all levels of schools, the study of mathematics is conceived in such a way as to combine theoretical mathematical knowledge with its pedagogical application in forming the right kind of pre-maths and maths basis in children and pupilsDuring their studies at our department students will create a supply of specific activities which can be used in their future teaching careers. 

Graduates of the thee-year bachelor programme in natural sciences specialising in Technical Education focused on teaching will succeed in finding positions in firms and state administration, or they may continue with the follow-up magister course and become primary school teachers. In addition to theoretical subjects, the study focuses especially on the development of practical skills and technical creativity.  

The Physics section offers a bachelor programme in physics focused on education and a follow-up programme teaching programme for primary schools, specialising in physicsIn cooperation with the physics department at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, we also offer a course in teaching physics at secondary school. During their studies, students will be working together with people from other parts of the UWB and from outside. There are also opportunities to participate in popular events at the department as well as possibilities of travelling abroad. 


The Mathematics section is the source of two sets of mathematics textbooks- The first consists of mathematics textbooks and workbooks for years 1-9 at primary school and was published by Fortuna. The second came into being in tandem with Pilsen publisher Fraus and to date consists of textbooks and workbooks for years 1-5 at primary school. Academic staff are currently working on textbooks of mathematics for level two at primary schools. 

Academic staff are active in teaching mathematics for foreigners. 

The Technical Education section of the department has a number of contacts with universities abroad, thanks to which, within the framework of such international mobilities provided by Erasmus+ or Free Movers, even bachelor students can participate in student stays all over the world. 

Physics as an independent branch of study for teachers has existed at the Faculty of Education ever since the faculty was established in 1948. 

Physics became a separate department in 1963. 

Departmental staff play their role in faculty management. Several deans and vice deans have been from the department. 

We organise a number of popular events, in which you too will be able to participate, for example Days of Science and Technology or European Researchers’ Night.  

We organise lectures and teaching events in schools. 


The Department of German Language offers a number of stays, internships and excursions to foreign-speaking countries during the course of studies, organizes joint workshops with students from German and Austrian universities (especially from Regensburg and Graz, where we participate, among other things, in the broadcasting of student radio Igel), organizes in Pilsen author's literary readings and a whole range of other informal meetings. All this in an open, almost family environment, where everyone knows everyone. Among the staff of the department, you will find leading experts in contemporary (especially Austrian) literature, comparative imagology, linguistic pragmatics and the issue of new media in teaching or the history of the German population of Western Bohemia.


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Chodské náměstí 1, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 142 

web: www.knj.zcu.cz 


The department offers the possibility of studying the German language in the Bachelor's program Specialization in Pedagogy and the subsequent Master's programs in Teaching for primary and secondary schools. Thanks to the content of the study, our graduates find good professional employment not only in the field of education, but also in numerous multinational companies.


The study does not only take place in classrooms, it also includes stays abroad, workshops and excursions. Among the teachers are a number of authors of important publications and textbooks in the field of literature, linguistics, didactics and professional language. In 2018, the department was the organizer of the international Germanist conference with participants from 12 countries.


The Department of Pedagogy’s work is spread across the whole university with its orientation on education and research in a wide spectrum of pedagogical disciplines. An important focus of the department is the area of inclusive education and supporting a transdisciplinary approach in connecting general and subject-specific didactics. An important area of creative and research work at the department is the issue of newly qualified teachers. Thirdly, the department is regularly involved in the Children’s University project, providing courses of lifelong education and cultural events of the Atelier of drama education.  


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Chodské náměstí 1, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 341 

web: www.fpe.zcu.cz/kpg 


Our department is the guarantor for studying teaching for primary school level one and nursery school teachers. It further participates in teaching common basis subjects in all other study programmesWe are newly opening the bachelor study programme in special pedagogy. 


Departmental members include a nursery school teacher, a teacher from primary school level one, a head of foster care services, a theatre scenographer and lecturer in dramaWe connect theory and practice. 

About us

The Department of Psychology’s work is spread across the whole university with its orientation on education and research in a wide spectrum of psychological disciplines. The most important publications of the department focus on epilepsy. Some members of staff work in the Psychological Advice and Information Centre of the UWB, offering assistance to both students and employees of the university.  


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Chodské náměstí 1, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 371 

web: www.fpe.zcu.cz/kps/ 


The Department of Pedagogy’s work is spread across the whole university with its orientation on education and lower secondary school teacher training in Health EducationThe department is also the guarantor of psychology related courses in so-called common basis subjects for bachelor courses focusing on education and all courses for teachers (nursery schools, primary schools and secondary schools). The department also teaches psychology courses for other faculties at the UWB, primarily for the Faculty of Health Care Studies, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Law. 


The Department of Psychology participates in organising the Pilsen Day of Psychology conference; the December 2019 event was the fourteenth of its kind.  

Some members of staff work in the psychological advice and information centre of the UWB.  

Within the framework of lifelong education, the department offers a number of courses aimed at not only professionals in the field but also the general public: music and art therapy, the psychology of the art of living, forensic psychology, nutrition in education and psychology of nutrition, etc.  


The Department of Russian Language focuses primarily on analysing intercultural communication in foreign language teaching and the methodology of specialised foreign language teaching at secondary schools. It develops cooperation on the basis of student and teacher mobility with a number of universities within the Russian Federation and elsewhere. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Veleslavínova 42, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420  377 636 171 

web: www.krf.zcu.cz


The Department of Russian provides the following courses: Russian language focused on education, Russian language for primary school teachers, Russian language for secondary school teachers. The department also offers preparatory courses for secondary students interested in studying at the Faculty of Education. 


The Department of Russian has relations with universities in Russia in Yelabuga, Volgograd and Moscow. 

The department is also working on a Czech Operational Programme "Research, Development and Education" project: Specialised foreign language for builders and carpenters with the implementation of digital education. Builders, let’s go! 


The Department of Computing and Didactic Technology provides a quality education to future and current teachers of Information Technology. Thanks to a rich variety of subjects, bachelor graduates gain a broad overview which can be utilised in a wide range of areas linked with ICT. In addition to teaching, both staff and students at the department participate in projects developing informatics awareness and digital literacy. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Klatovská 51, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 501 

web: www.kvd.zcu.cz 


Our students find a wide range of job opportunities, both in education and elsewhere. Thanks to developed communicative skills and broad overall view acquired in the new study programme, students are a much sought-after support to pedagogical, developmental or other IT teams. They use their abilities in working both independently and under supervision, in the administration of IT systems, or offering educational or methodological assistance to other colleagues. 


We have significantly improved departmental equipmentIn addition to modern computer classrooms and tablets, we also use both for teaching and research more than 250 robot construction kits, micro-computers, board games and other learning toys. Come and join us to study and make new discoveries.  


The Department of Art and Culture is a cultural and artistic educational centre whose main mission is to prepare future art teachers for primary and secondary schools; it also offers an art courses for teachers at infant school level and nursery schools. The creative work of departmental staff and student activity carries over into the wider area of cultural education and arts in the public space. 


Faculty of Education
University of West Bohemia 
Klatovská 51, 306 14 Plzeň 
tel: +420 377 636 493 

web: www.kvk.zcu.cz


Students have the opportunity under the guidance of leading personalities to become acquainted with contemporary and traditional approaches to art education and train to become teachers, tutors or educators in art. 

The department workin close collaboration with workplaces abroad, in both the sphere of science and research, and projects and mobility.  

It is located in the main building on Klatovská avenue and is undergoing reconstruction of its ateliers for ceramic and glass objects, as well as the multi-media classrooms. 


In 2019 the Department of Art and Culture was the venue for a unique conference of the Czech section of the International Society for Education through ArtIn 2013 and 2015 the department hosted the international conference European Network for Visual Literacy. Every day the department produces a number of professional publications. Staff members have had exhibitions at prestigious galleries, such as the Trade Fair Palace of the National Gallery in Prague, or the Hollar Gallery.